Rome Metro adds more underground route
Dec 2009
SELI news release
EPBM breakthrough at Gondar
- Breakthrough earlier this week (Wednesday, 16 December) marked the end of the route for the first of two 6.76m diameter EPBMs providing metro service between Conca D'Oro station and Gondar Station on the B1 metro line extension in Rome. Awarded to SELI in early 2008 by main contract JV Salini Costruttori - Maire Engineering, the €50 million subcontract includes construction of the 3km section of twin running tunnels lined with 35cm-thick precast concrete segments in a 6+1 Universal design arrangement.
- The full excavation system is designed by SELI in cooperation with Herrenknecht, who supplied the TBMs according to basic design and specifications by SELI, and Continental, which supplied the continuous conveyor muck hauling systems including the vertical access shaft conveyor.
Rome Metro expansion masterplan
- The first reach of the drives were under extreme conditions with the EPBMs working through weak sandy clay at up to 30m below ground surface and subjected to high 3-4 bar working pressures to counteract ground water pressures of up to 2.5 bar. En route the machines passed close to old fragile buildings and negotiated an under pass of the Aniene River.
- While the first TBM undergoes an overhaul at the Gondar station box, the second TBM is on course to breakthrough at the Gondar Station early in January 2010. The two TBMs are then set to continue excavation of the B1 metro line towards a junction with the existing Piazza Bologna Station by October 2010.
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